Day Tours. A great way to discover new destintions.

There are many destinations to choose from. Munich is an easy day trip to many wonderful places.

Each tour will be unique in its own way, but certain guidelines and destinations will be the standard itinerary of many tours. This will give you an overview of what to expect in an average day tour.

The pick-up time will be flexible, but I find 8 or 8:30 to be a good time to start, as it enables us the best opportunity to make the most of our day, depending on where we are going. We will always be subject to closing times of castles and museums, and in the winter months normal opening hours of many places, like castles, can be shorter than in the summer months.

Certain destinations, such as the popular Neuschwanstein Castle, require advance booking and arrangement, and these times, once booked, are often no longer exchangeable or flexible. But this can often be the exception. Many places we travel to – such as the Eagles Nest, or the Linderhof Palace among others – function on a first-come-first-serve basis. Some destinations are further away and have a longer driving time, so we can plan stops on the way if so desired. Therefore, we can (and often must) plan much of our day spontaneously and flexibly, according to things such as the weather, travel time, or your interest and stamina levels on the day.

Lunch will also be an option that can be quite flexible, depending on the season. In high season, we may want lunch reservations, depending on where we are, but I have many restaurants I can recommend, and we can always discuss this on the day and I can make reservations when we have decided what we want to do. Lunch can be anything from a sausage in a bun – for people on the go who want to see as much as possible in a day – or we can make lunch part of our adventure. A sit-down lunch will always take some of our time, so I always try to make that a part of our experience, such as a restaurant on a farm, or a cheese house that serves us fresh cheese, sliced smoked sausages, and freshly baked bread, or a local Bavarian “Gaststube”, which is a typical Bavarian restaurant where the local go to eat, and many others. I know many places, and I will only recommend a restaurant if I have been there and know it is good. But I am always willing to try any new place should we find or see one that looks nice, or should you have found a place on your own that you would like to visit. It is all flexible and possible.

Pick up location will be at your Munich city center hotel, or the city center meeting spot of your choice (AirBnB, private lodgings etc.) unless otherwise arranged. You will always get a detailed booking confirmation with all information regarding our tour.

The tour time starts when I meet you at your Munich city center location, hotel, or lodging. The tour will end when I drop you off at the same location as the pick-up. All of my vehicle costs are included in the tour price.

The average length of a day is 9 ½ to 10 hours. The exact length of the day can always be influenced by traffic or other unforeseen obstacles.

For more information on tours that involve more travel, with overnighting and multiple days, please see here.

An overview of a Day Tour:

  • Door-To-Door service. You are picked up and dropped back off at your Munich city center hotel or Munich address (AirBnB, private lodging, etc.).

  • The tour begins at 8 or 8:30 am.

  • The tour ends around 5:30-6 pm at drop-off.

  • The drop-off can be the same at the pick-up point or at another pre-arranged address. Please message me for more detail.

  • The tour has a total duration of 9 1/2 to 10 hours. Duration begins at pick-up and ends at drop-off.

  • All vehicle costs and parking fees are included.

  • Lunch options are always available and flexible.

  • If tickets must be secured in advance, I will make these arrangements.

  • Some day tour destinations involve more travel time. Please always read a tour description, or ask me for more detail.